IT Courses 2018

Completed the AWS (Amazon Solution Architect Exam December 2018)


This year I have been studying many books on different topics. Some of them include Quickbooks, UX, LeanUX within the Agile framework, Software Testing and Managing Software Testing.

I am also taking another AWS course to pass the exam on becoming an AWS Certified Solutions Architect. It would take quite a comprehensive article to explain the scope of the course as there are so many different areas of AWS that you should be familiar with. Additionally, Amazon is constantly releasing new services and products so it’s hard to keep up with everything that is new.

It teaches you about what defines a solution architect, exploring the AWS account and services layer and the physical and networking layer. The course explores some of the key architecture that is used to house software programs effectively. One of the relatively simpler areas is IAM or (identity and access management). This is imperative to account security because there are policies that attach to users or groups. The proper permissions always need to be in place to allow someone access or conversely apply a deny all rule for someone who is fired.

These courses provide some very useful materials, like a guide for sub-netting. It has many labs that are hands-on in a virtual sandbox. The labs usually are around one hour and have a video that accompanies them with a lab guide that gives you step by step instructions. This helps to solidify the lectures.

Example of the VPC lab:
Build a VPC with the following components:
1) IGW
2) Two route tables (one for public subnets and one for private subnets)
3) Four subnets (two public and two private)
4) Two NACLs with inbound and outbound rules
5) Two Security Groups with inbound rules


AWS Organization
AWS Account and Physical Organization
Access Management
IAM (Identity and Access Management)
AWS Interfaces (The AWS Console)
Interacting with AWS
Introduction to Networking
Introduction to AWS VPC Networking
Server-Based Compute Services
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
Serverless-Based Compute Services
Quick Detour
What You Need to Know Before Moving On
Advanced Networking
Highly Available and Fault Tolerant VPC Networking
Advanced VPC Networking for Increased Security
Network Connectivity Troubleshooting
Storage Services
S3 (Simple Storage Service)
Hybrid Environments
Advanced DNS, CDN, and Failover Networking
Hybrid Environments & VPC Peering
AWS Interfaces (The AWS CLI)
Interacting with AWS
Database Services
RDS (Relational Database Service)
Application and Messaging Services
SNS (Simple Notification Service)
SQS (Simple Queue Service)
SWF (Simple Workflow Service)
API Gateway
Flow Logs
Deployment Services
Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic MapReduce
Container Services
EC2 Container Service
Certified Solution Architect Concepts
Implementation and Deployment
Security Architecture with AWS
Disaster Recovery